Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Absurdity in Camus’s The Plague

Albert Camus tried to make sense of plague's challenge to the human spirit in this novel set in North Africa. It is a chronicle of human suffering. â€Å"But what does that mean – ‘plague'? Just life, no more than that.† (Camus, Gilbert 1948 : 307).The old asthmatic, who spends his days transferring peas from one pan to another, summarizes the overarching theme of Camus's narrative: life and death, in a world that does not seem to care for us. The Plague is a powerful literary work, despite its many logical and other shortcomings, which we will be looking into. Camus is obviously trying to stimulate the reader to think about the problems of life and ways to confront life in a seemingly absurd and cruel world — although how far he succeeds in this attempt is doubtful.Over the course of a few days in sometime in the 1940s, in the Algerian city of Oran, thousands of rats emerge into the streets in dying conditions. At this point begins the outbreak. Absurdity creeps into Camus’s story in more ways than one. Dying rats and the spread of bubonic plague is not an unprecedented phenomenon in human history. In the mid 14th century, the devastating black plague exterminated nearly one third of the population of Europe. Spanning three years, it was a disaster of colossal proportions.A major episode of Bubonic plague occurred in ancient Greece, as well as in the late Roman period, killing people in hundreds of thousands. The narrator of the story himself acknowledges the fact of a ten thousand people dying every single day in Constantinople. Therefore, on the first sign of rats dying en masse, all the nations and international authorities would be alerted, not just the city officials. But that does not strangely happen in Camus’s account. No action is taken at all for a long time, though much hullabaloo goes on.The Plague recounts a specific (albeit fictional) epidemic taking place in a particular location at a particular time, alt hough the year is not clearly specified. Therefore historical and practical questions are important in making sense of the story.Camus’s novel was published in 1947, in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. It is reasonable therefore to assume that the Oran episode might have occurred towards the end of the war or in the first years of peace. Towards the end of the First World War, a massive outbreak of Influenza pandemic killed an estimated 40 million people worldwide.No one would even remotely want such a disaster to happen all over again at the end of the Second World War, and therefore no one would have taken the matter lightly. The moment the news is in the media, it would have sent shivers across the national capitals all over the world. By no stretch of imagination, Bubonic plague can be considered a local issue.One cannot possibly conceive any city authorities to be complacent over such a grave matter, thereby delaying action and letting the infection take hold in the populace. Leave alone the local authorities, national and international authorities would immediately jump into the scene taking all possible action to contain the burgeoning plague. That a plague is on its way is clear as day from the first deaths of rats to anyone who is least educated, however the city officials go on merely debating, discussing and hesitating.In 1994, a case of pneumonic plague, a deadlier air-borne version of bubonic plague, broke out in the Northwestern India. The word plague was in the air, and hundreds of thousands of people immediately started evacuating their houses, even before the authorities could rush into action. In the end, few people died of the actual infection, more people must have perished in the stampedes to catch trains and buses.In Camus’s novel that seeks to question the very meaning of human life and existence, however, no such commonsensical, logical measures are taken.Common people behave meaninglessly, authorities beha ve absurdly, international authorities do not even figure in – all this in spite of the narrator, Bernard Rieux, being a doctor himself. Even when the doctor starts worrying, he worries about his own city, not the continent and the world, as if plague knows any city limits. Region-specific infectious diseases such as Ebola infections which break out in West African countries from time to time are called endemics, not epidemics.According to the novel, one is given to understand that Bernard Rieux is preoccupied with his wife’s impending trip to a sanitarium and is therefore at first not alarmed by the rats dying on the streets with blood spurting from their muzzles.Doctors are always preoccupied with something or other, yet any doctor spotting a number of rats dying in such a ghastly manner would have issued red alert instantaneously. Rats dying by coughing up blood are strangely viewed by every one concerned as a sanitation issue! This is a preposterous way of telling a story.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Anthropology of Terrorism

Since the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, â€Å"terrorism† has been a word that every American has used daily. It has been eleven years since these attacks, and our country is still at war, and we use terms like â€Å"acts of terror† to justify our invasion of their civilian space. Personally, I do not care much for conspiracy theories, but I was interested to know a little bit more about the Islamic culture that these â€Å"terrorists† stem from. While the majority of the population of Iraq and Afghanistan are practicing Muslims, they can not all be defined as â€Å"terrorists. In all actuality, a lot of them may define Americans and other westernized countries with seemingly unlimited war powers as â€Å"terrorist† groups. There are many differences from the American view of acts of terror, the Iraqi view of acts of terror, and the view of how those who commit crimes of terror see their own actions. I think it v ery important that American civilians, especially those who are not well educated on our foreign policies and the current war situation, take time to see how Iraqi civilians and the Muslim population view the September 11 acts of terror, and the subsequent war compared to those who chose to commit these acts.I think that most would be surprised when they find that the Islamic religion does not actually promote those extensive â€Å"acts of terror† that they do not support the extremist groups like Al Quaeda, and that our presence in their civilian areas, like market places may not be necessary or productive for their day-to-day routines. In order for many people to understand these differing viewpoints on terrorism, I think it is important to focus on how different people may define an act of terror.In December of 1994, the Unite Nations General Assembly Resolution 49/60, â€Å"Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism,† describes terrorism as: â€Å"Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them. Later, in 2004 at UN Security Council Resolution 1566 a definition is given, stating acts of terror are: Criminal acts, including against civilians, committed with the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury, or taking of hostages, with the purpose to provoke a state of terror in the general public or in a group of persons or particular persons, intimidate a population or compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act.The United Nations adds to the definition again in 2005 at a panel, stating the definition of terrorism as: Any act intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non- comba tants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act. (â€Å"Various Definitions of Terrorism†) The United Nations has no official definition of terrorism, because some would argue that there is no real distinction between a â€Å"terrorist† and a â€Å"freedom fighter. Therefore, the United Nation’s descriptions of the term are vague and always include that terrorism is â€Å"intimidating† or that it â€Å"provokes terror† on a group of people. The first description listed comments on the justification of these acts, which most others do not. Now, I would like to point out the differences in he definitions that are released by the Arabic Community and the united States. In 1998, the Arab Convention for the Suppression of Terrorism was implemented by the Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior and the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice in Cairo, Egyp t.They defined terrorism at this convention as: Any act or threat of violence, whatever its motives or purposes, that occurs in the advancement of an individual or collective criminal agenda and seeking to sow panic among people, causing fear by harming them, or placing their lives liberty or security in danger, or seeking to cause damage to the environment or to public or private installations or property or to occupying or seizing them, or seeking to jeopardize national resources. â€Å"Various Definitions of Terrorism†) The United States has many different definitions of terrorism in almost every government organization’s code. In Federal Criminal Code Title 18 of the United States defines terrorism and lists the crimes associated with terrorism.In Section 2331 of Chapter 113(B), defines terrorism as: †¦activities that involve violent†¦ or life-threatening acts†¦ that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State and†¦ appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and†¦(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States†¦Ã¢â‚¬  FBI definition of terrorism:The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. The definition of terrorism used in the United States Army Field Manual FM 3-0, form 2001 is: The calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear. It is intended to coerce or intimidate governments or societies †¦ [to attain] political, religious, or ideological goals.The Dictionary of Military Terms used by the Department of Defense defines terrorism as: The calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological. (â€Å"Various Definitions of Terrorism†) I think the difference in the way our governments define a term that the United Nations finds so debatable shows a huge cultural difference in where the priorities for our countries lie.Obviously, since the September 11 attacks, the United States has spent an extensive amount of time coming up with more and more to add to the definition of terrorism and have worked to almost make ourselves seem like more of the victim. Our Federal Code includes mass destruction and assassination, but states that it primarily occurs within the United Stated jurisdiction. This is open to interpretation, as is all code, but it basically means that we are always the victim of acts of terror and can hardly ever be accused of committing the crime.H owever, in the FBI definition, it says that terrorism is using violence and force to coerce a government and its civilians of political and social objectives. Are we not using force and asserting ourselves on the Iraqi government, and every other government that we have been at war with? Has it not all been for a political gain? Then the military definitions add that actions can only be defined in that way if they are being committed for political, religious, or ideological reasons. However, I think that most Americans, if asked would only include religion in the definition.We have been trained to think that way, to only see terrorism as acts of Jihad, extremist Muslims. Americans, since I can remember have always been extremely proud. We are all truly blessed to come from a country that has a strong military backbone, free, accessible education, a comparably thriving economy, and the opportunity for social mobility. That being said, the majority of Americans are very ignorant and o ne-sided on a lot of political issues. Most are content with obtaining the easily accessible information from the news or internet and word of mouth.Most do not take the time to educate themselves on social issues that they comment on daily. This is why people are so opposed to those who practice Islam using their first amendment right to freedom of religion, especially in the south where most are extremely prejudiced. The news and the coverage of the September 11 attacks and the war are to blame for this phenomenon of fearing those who are different. In Packaging Terrorism: Co-opting the News for Politics and Profit, Susan Miller criticizes the way the media chooses which stories to run. â€Å"Threats, danger, fear.These words grab the attention of the readers and that’s what the media want. Your attention. Be afraid. Be very afraid. † She shows that there are many more options of global stories that our local news stations could run, but those that involve Americans or anything involving conflict in the Middle East, or even stories of al-Qaeda action in other countries, will get higher ratings as â€Å"Big Stories† over stories like the huge crisis of bombings in Mumbai in 2006, which is a place and event that Americans, in general, have no solid connection to.However, our society is also very vain, and there are even international events that are very important to us and the action in the Middle East that constantly get trumped by â€Å"larger† domestic stories. A 2006 suicide bombing of the Golden Mosque, which was close to triggering an Iraqi civil war was overshadowed by the Winter Olympics that year. A 2005 bombing was completely overshadowed by the kidnapping of Natalee Holloway in Aruba. The American people are more likely to be interested in our domestic actions than the stories of foreign events, especially when these events seem to run together and are so similar every time they are covered.One thing that is extremely co ntroversial in covering those true acts of terror is the fact that most terrorists really want the attention on them. If someone is taken hostage and taped, or there is a huge event, like the 9/11 attacks, those who commit these actions are doing so for the attention, and for the media to show these events to the public, some can argue that those who share the news are just giving them what they most desire: to have all eyes on them.There is also an opinion, however, that if this footage is shown, it will show Americans the true brutality of the people who our military is fighting against, and that it will show that there truly is a threat, encouraging Americans to further support our military and create a unifying experience that promotes patriotism. This was shown in the case of the kidnapping of reporter, Daniel Pearl in Pakistan in 2002 by al-Qaeda operative Khalid Shiekh Mohammad. The video of his execution was made available to news networks, and a portion of Pearl speaking wa s shown on CBS.The full video shows his throat being slit and his severed head held up with a voiceover speaking out against the â€Å"enemies of Islam. † After much debate of whether or not the video should be seen by the public, whether it would violate the rights of Pearl’s grieving family, and whether the American people should be allowed to be exposed to witnessing a person’s murder, Peter Kadizis and Stephen Mindich of the Boston Phoenix posted a link to the video with a note above stating, â€Å"This is the single most gruesome, horrible, despicable, and horrifying thing I’ve ever seen. . That our government and others throughout the world, who have had this tape for some time have remained silent is nothing less than an act of shame†( Moeller). While our media is the largest source of information for Americans and is the largest reason that Americans have an instilled fear of anyone of the Islamic religion, the USA Patriot Act passed in 200 1 as a response to the terrorist attacks is one of the triggers that set off this fear, and is a constant reminder of the attack.This Act was instated based on the theory that if there is a threat to national security, the public is more willing to allow for harsher policies and increased restrictions of civil liberties. The Act includes reduced restrictions in law enforcement agencies' gathering of intelligence within the United States; expanded the Secretary of the Treasury’s authority to regulate financial transactions, particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities; and broadened the discretion of law enforcement and immigration authorities in detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts.Even though support for the Patriot Act has decreased, though not dramatically (from 60% classifying it as â€Å"necessary† in 2001, to a 39% in 2006), President Barack Obama signed a four-year extension of the act to include, searches of bu siness records that would assist in an investigation undertaken to protect against international terrorism, and surveillance of â€Å"lone wolves,† individuals suspected of terrorist-related activities not linked to terrorist groups. (Borgeson, Valeri). This, eleven years later is an act that is still perfectly in tact, and is still restricting our rights.It isn’t the most invasive law, but it does hang over the heads of those who do business internationally and those who immigrated form other countries, because they are constantly under the threat of being watched and studied by the government. Since Americans have media coverage and restrictions that help to shape the idea of terrorism and the way we perceive terrorism and acts of violence, it is only logical to realize that the Iraqi people, have their own way of defining Terrorism in their country.It is important to realize, when analyzing their views, that the United States have been seen as a threatening force to them for the past eleven years by imposing on their land and declaring warfare on their former leader and having our military staying within their civilian quarters. Though Iraq has been liberated for the past five years, American troops were just recently sent home, and they are suffering from terrorist attacks against them from other outside forces as well.Most of those who practice the Islamic religion believe that warfare should only be used to suppress rebellion or to defend against imposing armies. They do not believe in starting wars, because the punishment is not in their hands, violence should only be used for protection. Yousuf Baadarani, a popular writer defending the Islamic culture, states in an interview with Asia Times states, â€Å"Since Islam forbids terrorism, than no terrorist could be labeled Islamic. He would have had to abandon the Islamic path to become a terrorist† (Abedin).Jihad is only supposed to be used to protect the Islamic religion against thos e who attack it, not to create terror in those who do not practice Islam. This counters a popular theory Americans have that all Muslims are destined to commit acts of terror and that they are instilling values that promote suicide bombings and murder of those who do not practice Islam. Al-Qaeda was born out of Osama Bin Laden’s leftover defense force he gathered together for the Saudi Kingdom, but it was rejected after they allowed US troops to use Saudi Arabia after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait.Al-Qaeda means â€Å"the basis† or â€Å"the base. † It is extremely difficult to find out the members of this organization and to figure out who is behind certain attacks. The chain of command is extremely difficult to follow. It has one goal: â€Å"to hit the West wherever and whenever it can, in order to further polarize the Muslim and Western worlds and effect an eventual victory of the Islamists, who claim leadership over the Muslim world†(Reuter).This terr orist group- and there is no debate from anyone as to whether or not they are a terrorist group- has committed too many suicide bombings and killings of innocent westerners to name. They are the group behind the infamous September 11 attacks, and are the ones who created all of the fear of terrorism in the United States. This group of people is founded on a basic principle: hate for all Westerners, and the desire to completely sever ties between those who practice Islam and Westerners.This is not a group based on jihad; the exception to the Islamic law against violence, which should only be allowed when defending the Islamic religion. It is simply a hate group against Westerners that wears a mask of religion. In conclusion, there is a lot that is not perceived correctly when it comes to the idea of terrorism. Every citizen of Iraq is not a terrorist, and neither is every member of the Muslim community. A select few extremists have ruined the reputation of a religion in the United St ates, with the help of the media and politics.I hope that every American citizen at some point realizes the difference between the terrorist attacks of September 11, and the Iraqi family that walks down the street. It is important to me and our country that people see that most Muslims do not support al-Qaeda and that the group of extremists is not practicing their religion properly. I hope that people will start to realize the importance of getting information from other sources than the popular media and that some will start to look up more information on important domestic and international events.Most of all, I hope that I have been able to properly compare viewpoints on terrorism in different parts of the world accurately. Bibliography Abedin, Mahan. â€Å"Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs. † Asia Times Online :: Asian news hub providing the latest news and analysis from Asia. N. p. , 29 Dec. 2009. Web. 5 Dec. 2012. Arena, Michael P. , and Bruce A. Arrigo. The terrorist identity: explaining the terrorist threat. New York: New York University Press, 2006. Print. Baudrillard, Jean. The spirit of terrorism and requiem for the Twin Towers.London: Verso, 2002. Print. Borgeson, Kevin , and Robin Valeri. Terrorism In America. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009. Print. Moeller, Susan D.. Packaging terrorism: co-opting the news for politics and profit. Chichester, U. K. : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Print. Reuter, Christoph. My life is a weapon: a modern history of suicide bombing. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004. Print. Various Definitions of Terrorism. † Department of Emergency & Military Affairs (DEMA). DEMA, n. d. Web. 5 Dec. 2012.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Jazz Improv Combo Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Jazz Improv Combo - Movie Review Example In total, there were about seven men and two women. All the men worked on instrumentation, while the two women were mainly involved with the vocals. The tones employed by the vocalists were mainly altos. However, they sang separately. The whole performance was void of dance and movements. The musicians, while playing the instruments maintained their positions. However, the vocalists exhibited slight body movements during their actions. The music presented was purely jazz music. Each composition was played in its own unique way to avoid repetition of compositions; this is a characteristic of jazz music. The performers frequently altered melodies, tones, and harmonies deliberately. This created in the audience a different feeling and experience, which was exciting. There was a mixture of long and short music pieces. However, the short pieces were more than long pieces. This mixture of pieces allowed for breaks on the performers’ side and on the audience side as well. The concert was mainly performed by a jazz group, which undertook different approaches in their performance. Instrumental pieces took a greater part of the concert. These were a combination of long and short pieces of different music pieces. On the other hand, there were two main vocal presentations by the two women in the band. These solo presentations were accompanied by instrumentations. The solo presentation made the concert deviate from instrumentation, therefore presenting to the audience a new experience of vocalization. This was essential in striking a balance between vocalization and instrumentation. In this concert, a variety of music from different composers was performed. However, I will focus on my favourite music piece, which was â€Å"Careless Whispers.† The instrumentation of this piece was played without the vocals. George Michaels, born in 1964, originally wrote this piece of music, when he was twenty. Michael came up with this music one day while working as a

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Decline of Michael Jackson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Decline of Michael Jackson - Essay Example he nature of media exploitation and public opinion, the reputation of a talented musician was devastated, contributing to his ill health and leading to his death. In the following dissertation, the topic of the facts of the controversies in comparison to the public perception will be discussed in order to find context for the events that occurred and the truths that they represent. Michael Jackson, named by the music industry as ‘the king of pop’ was a talented, but tormented man who had started his lustrous career in his prepubescent years out of Gary, Indiana in the United States. His career spanned his lifetime and his meticulous attention to detail and his innovative styles supported a talent that was broad and powerful. However, the public image that was created for him and the subsequent events of his life led to public humiliation and suspicions of both madness and deviant behaviour. The nature of celebrity gossip, however, creates stories out of unsupportable concepts and a life that is not led traditionally is open to accusations that are unsupportable and, therefore, suspect. This paper will endeavour to examine the ways in which the rumours and suspicions measure against facts and truths that were not as sensational, but could have clarified and refined the public image that led to Jackson’s downward spiral. The nature of the life of Michael Jackson was a long history of having his life framed by a public ‘brand’ which worked against him both personally and professionally in the end. In the 1980s he had a signature look which included one white glove and white socks. It was said of him that he slept in a hyperbaric chamber and the image that was created around him translated into a feeling of magic and mystery. He was an enigma, strange and mystical with talents that matched the message of his position as someone beyond the average human. What did not help his image was the evolving state of his face as he had multiple plastic surgeries and

Keeping Music in the Classrooms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Keeping Music in the Classrooms - Essay Example Children don't have to memorize a lot of material or remember complicated formulas, but are exposed to another kind of lesson. This is why children are more willing to learn it and its also a part of the reason why they enjoy it. It is simple and children can understand it and participate in it (Bryan, 2005). Second, music arouses childrens imagination and takes them to worlds of fantasy and magic. It carries them to different imaginary places. It is, in a way, magical, and allows children to have a break from their hard day of studying, while still teaching them something else (Bryan, 2005). Third, music has no barriers of race, ethnicity, color and others. Through the experience of music, children can empathize with the feelings and aspirations of their counterparts worldwide. In a way, it unites them all, making them one group, instead of individuals separated or divided by their differences (Bryan, 2005). Fourth, music can be integrated in the learning process of other subjects, such as math, history and other subjects. For instance, in order to help children memorize facts, formulas or other material- songs can be used. It is known that it is easier for the brain to remember words or facts if they are rhythmic. If music is incorporated in the studies of other subject, it may very well improve students achievements in those subjects (Bryan, 2005). Fifth, it is known for quite some time that music has the ability to calm people, make them more relaxed and reduce tensions and stress. This obviously improves their daily functioning, and may assist them in their learning and could even reduce their levels of violence.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Critical Response Paper 1 Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critical Response 1 - Research Paper Example A Third Cinema, in this case, is described as an ongoing phenomenon that the filmmakers still apply in themes like politics and aesthetics. The Battle of Algiers is a film about the real events that led Algerian war of independence. The film narrates the story of the National Liberation Front (FLN), a movement that posed a danger to French occupation in Algeria (Mellen 16). The French troops defeated FLN during revolutionary movements. However, the movement strengthened and united other liberation movements throughout Algeria, which made them defeat French troop in 1962. The Battle of Algiers is a representation of Fanon’s arguments about violence and veil as an accepted means of anti-colonial struggle. Pontecorvo, producer of Black Skin, White Mask, is specifically concerned with how the Algerians achieved their independence and dignity through violent struggle. The Battle of Algiers is a justification of Fanon’s theory that the war and violence, during the anti-coloni al struggle, help people to gain their independence and dignity (Stam & Macmillan Films 11). It portrays French settlers as brutal and ignorant. The French colonial institution portrayed itself as a body that cannot be negotiated with through non-violent movements like the National Liberation Front. ... Therefore, the use of force and violence in this case should be perceived as mechanical but not brutal. Additionally, the use of violence does not entail any scorn as in the case of Colonel Mathieu, who lit cigarette after successfully launching a bomb attack that killed several members of FLN. In the Battle of Algiers, official representatives and settlers of French colonial power are not concerned about the well-being of Algerians. They mistreat and abuse men, women, and children. This is reflected during a private party organized by French police officer, his colleagues, and their wives. The French officer, at that moment, was organizing a large bomb attack on civilians in the Arab quarter of Algiers, the Kasbah (Stam & Macmillan Films 26). Light classical music played in the background during the party contributing to a relaxing atmosphere. The wealthy, lightness, and beauty of French lifestyle displayed in the movie leaves the audience to question their dark side of politics of its colonial organization. The party scene then smoothly transforms to the bombing scene, representing settlers’ brutal encounters with the colonial politics. This implies that the French colonial institution perceived the killing of civilians as a habitual and normal activity. This scene also creates a non-hermetic structure, where it gives the audience the opportunity to deconstruct the party scene as a positive self-representation of French colonizers as â€Å"uncivilized group†. This is because the way in which they plan bomb attacks against Algerians is perceived as an â€Å"uncivilized† behavior (Mellen 27). Similarly, the manner in which Frantz Fanon develops a non-hermetic structure that does not present a self-enclosed universe in Black Skin, White Mask, can

Friday, July 26, 2019

Is virtue ethics able to provide concrete ethical guidance to doctors Essay

Is virtue ethics able to provide concrete ethical guidance to doctors Why or why not - Essay Example This raises the question of the sort of person one should be rather than what they should do. Due to the assumption, virtue ethics is not considered as a normative rival in relation to utilitarian and deontological ethics. However, its revival serves as a reminder to moral philosophers that a full account of our moral life may not be given due to the normative theory elaboration. The grounds one might have for believing that a choice of action cannot be given by virtue ethics is based on the claim that it is concerned with character rather than action, meaning it is not able to provide concrete ethical guidance (Mukherjee, 223). The above claim highlights the contrast that is there between virtue ethics and the other two approaches. While virtue ethics is agent-centered the other two are said to be act-centered. The conflict problem comes about with supporting the general claim that virtue ethics does not give a course of action. Different virtues have different requirements and it is said that these different requirements can point us in different directions. This goes to support the idea that virtue ethics is not able to provide concrete ethical guidance to doctors (Hursthouse, 651). The Emperor of All Maladies gives a history of cancer. It is an ancient disease that was not talked about much but its effects brought about the need for it to be looked into. This was in an attempt to learn more about its personality and behavior. It traces back the origin of the disease, the triumphs and deaths encountered. It brings out the start, the progressiveness and the war waged against it by people who were determined to see that it comes to an end or find ways of preventing and curing the disease (Mukherjee, 224). A thirty year old kindergarten teacher named Carla Reed and a mother of three woke up one morning with a headache. As she later found out, it was not an ordinary headache. She was a very active

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Essay questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 23

Questions - Essay Example US officials, on the other hand, viewed nuclear energy as having potential non-military benefits, thus giving rise to atomic diplomacy, in which the US sought to prove to the USSR that it was capable and willing to execute a nuclear attack (Ross 33). Atomic diplomacy was used in the Korean War, the first confrontation between the two super-powers, during which the US deployed B-29 bombers as a signal of its resolve, although by 1953, this idea was rejected as a means of coercion to further a cease-fire agreement in the conflict (Arnold & Wiener 21). When the USSR acquired capabilities to deliver nuclear war-heads on Western European and US territories in the late 50s, atomic diplomacy gave way to mutual deterrence, in which the two super-powers refrained from attacking each other due to the certainty of mutually assured destruction. During this period in which the USSR, the US, and its allies were separated by the ‘Iron Curtain’, the West’s general policy was to contain Communist states by keeping them within their present borders and hoping for internal failure and division that would end their threat (Arnold & Wiener 22). Although Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) was not the founder of the Civil Rights Movement, he can be considered its formative figure and its de facto leader due to his sacrifices and the influence he had on some of its most seminal milestones (Ward & Badger 18). MLK was one of the first African American leaders to advocate for a social movement against racial segregation that used non-violent means, which was a hallmark of the Civil Rights Movement. He provided leadership for the Civil Rights Movement, which sought to end racial discrimination and segregation against blacks, while also securing federal protection and legal recognition for them as enumerated in federal and constitutional law. He was a major contributor to the Second Reconstruction, which was a

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Financial System and the Economy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Financial System and the Economy - Coursework Example Various organizations that had invested in the organizations located in United States even suffered a huge loss as these organizations were on the verge of bankruptcy (The Economist, 2013). This depicts that organizations located in one region are highly dependent on organizations in other regions and thus there is a need to protect organizations in one nation to protect organizations in other nations. In order to avert and avoid future similar financial crises the regulators in the United States need to keep a close watch on the organizations in the United States and stop them from indulging in unhealthy practices due to which they may face losses and experience bankruptcy. This in turn will not only protect organizations in US, this will even protect organizations and economies throughout the world. 2. The five determinants that investors take into account while making any investment related decisions includes the expected return which is the return on investment that investors assume or predict they will receive through an investment. The return is the determinant which is the amount of money that a particular security has earned and evens the alterations in the price of the security in comparison to the value at which the security was initially traded. The third determinant is the capital yield which is the amount of money an investor is able to earn within a specific period of time and its comparison with the value of the investment that was experienced at the beginning of the specific period (Croushore, 2007). The fourth determinant is the capital yield which is a term used to refer to the elevation in the dollar based value of a particular investment over a specific period of time. The last factors is the capital gains yield which is the capital gains that a particular inv estment has offered in comparison with the value of the investment at the start of the period in which the capital gains is measured. The most important

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Critically Assess Government Policy on 'Bridging the Digital Divide' Essay

Critically Assess Government Policy on 'Bridging the Digital Divide' in U.K - Essay Example However, the relevant measures are often proved as inadequate; delays and failures are reported when trying to apply such policies in practices. Current paper focuses on the efforts of the British government to ‘bridge the digital divide’ so that the quality of services in the country’s private and public sector to be improved, since these services are highly based on ICTs. The aspects of this effort are analysed below. The review of the plans that the British government has promoted in this field has led to the following assumption: the effort of the British government ‘to bridge the digital divide’ can be characterized as successful, at least up to now. In accordance with a relevant report, the expansion of online services could lead to savings of about ? 1.3b each year (France 2011). However, in the future, the effectiveness of these plans would be in risk, taking into consideration the continuous advances of technology and the level of resources r equired for the realization of the relevant schemes. 2. Bridging the digital divide in Britain – governmental policy In order to understand the effectiveness of the efforts of the British government ‘to bridge the digital divide’ across the country, it would be necessary to understand the context of the specific effort. The phrase ‘bridging the digital divide’ reflects the efforts required for covering gaps in regard to the use of ICTs within a particular country. Most commonly, these gaps are covered through a series of initiatives focusing on different aspects of the use of ICTs. For example, emphasis is given on the physical access to online centres, the availability of appropriate Internet connection, the development of computer skills of people of different ages, the elimination of inequalities in regard to the access to ICTs and the development of effective e-government schemes in accordance with the sources available and the targets set, eithe r in the short or the long term. The efforts of the British government to ‘bridge the digital divide’ have been based on the avoidance of complex ICTs; by choosing ICTs which are easy to be managed and flexible, as of their potentials and their needs, the British government tries to increase the efficiency of its online services which have been characterized by difficulties as of their access and failures as of their performance (Cabinet Office 2011). The British government’s new strategy in regard to the promotion of ICTs across the country is presented in Graph 1 (Appendix). It is clear that the country’s government has set different priorities, compared to the past, for improving its online services. Simplicity and high speed have been preferred instead of complexity, since in this way the following target is achieved: the level of ICTs in the public sector of Britain is standardized, a fact that helps people to understand easier the use of ICTs for acc essing the country’s public sector. 2.1 Measures for supporting physical access The physical access to online services requires that online centres across UK are increased, in terms of their number. In this way, people in all regions will be able to access the government’s online services. At the same time, the quality of broadband services available in online centres in Britain should be improved, leading to the increase of the number of customers. Since problems are often reported across the countr

Monday, July 22, 2019

Developments In Cold Environments Sustainable Essay Example for Free

Developments In Cold Environments Sustainable Essay To what extent are more recent developments in cold environments sustainable ? Fishing can disrupt food chains. For example krill fishing in the southern ocean is depleting food supplies for whales and penguins. Overfishing of a species can severely deplete its population, sometimes beyond recovery. Overfishing of the patagonian toothfish in the Antarctic is currently a concern. Bottom trawling catches fish by dragging nets along the sea-bed. This disrupts the eco system by reducing light levels thought increasing turbidity and catches other species as well as the target one. Its carried out in the gull of Alaska, the greenland sea and the barents sea. Fishing quotes have been introduced to limit the number of fish caught and prevent overexploitation of the resource. Large cruise ships increase pollution in the areas from the ships and from the tourist. Tourists and tourism developments disrupt wildlife and damage habitats leading to reduced biodiversity. National parks have been set up to allow tourism whilst protecting the environment e.g. denali national park in Alaska was set up in 1917 and then expanded in 1980 to induce a greater area of land. Cars and private vehicles are banned from the park so visitor’s have to travel in park buses on approved routes. The most vulnerable parts of the park don’t have any roads at all. So the ground is protected from the damaging effects of vehicles. Oil spills can occur during transport of oil from the area. For example in 1989 there was a huge oil spill off the coast of Alaska when the exxon valdez oil tanker crashed. Over 40 million litres of oil spilled into the ocean and over 250 000 birds and fish were killed. Oil spills can occur if the pipelines leak between 1977 and 1994 there were on average 30 to 40 spills a year from the trans-alaska pipeline. Some of these were caused by intentional attacks and forest fires. Oil pipes have automatic shut off valves in order to minimis e oil spills if the pipelines are damaged.

An Epic Man Who Became an Epic Hero Essay Example for Free

An Epic Man Who Became an Epic Hero Essay Odysseus, of Homers Odyssey, is an appropriate hero and ruler of Ithaca. He does not act irrationally but contemplates his actions and their implications. Odysseus is an appropriate hero because he embodies the values of bravery, intelligence, astuteness, and competency. Odysseus is an appropriate ruler for Ithaca by virtue of his hereditary right to kingship as well as his diplomatic skills, familiarity with his male subjects, discipline, and his impartiality and compassion. However, he is a character that does make a foolish decision. There is a rare instance when his pride supersedes his intellectual ability. Odysseus is an appropriate hero for he embodies the values of bravery, intelligence, astuteness, and competency. While he trying to return home from Ilium, numerous suitors attempt to seduce his wife, Penelope. However, when he returns Odysseus cleverly plans and carries out the demise of the evil and wasteful suitors with the help of Athena, goddess of wisdom: Come on [Athena] weave me a plan to punish them [the suitors]. Odysseus wisdom is admired by Athena, the goddess of that aptness. Athena is also impressed by his battle heroics and so she endeavors to provide him with succor: And you didnt know Pallas Athenaia the daughter of Zeus himself, your faithful stand-by and guardian in all your labours! With Athenas assistance Odysseus becomes a true hero. Odysseus is the epitome of honor and virtue for his Ithacan subjects. Odysseus kind and stalwart leadership is revealed by Eumaios, his faithful swineherd, and Philoitios, his loyal cowherd, who have both remained loyal to him for twenty years. Eumaios praises Odysseus as A rare fine master. Indeed I do not mourn so much for them as for him [Odysseus], though I long to see em again and my native land, but I do miss Odysseus since he went away. I dont like to speak his name, man, although he is absent, but I call him his honour, even when he is far away. Odysseus is a befitting king because it is his ancestral right, for he is familiar with his male subjects and understands their desires. Odysseus equity and mercy is displayed after his triumph over the suitors, whom he executed because of their lawless  behavior. However, Odysseus shows compassion by allowing Phemius, the minstrel suitor, and Medon, a herald suitor to live. Cheer up, my son has saved your life. So you shall know, and tell other men, that doing well is far better than doing ill. Odysseus proper sovereignty is expressed by his justice. Odysseus displays his shrewdness as he overcomes the challenges that beset his crew. When Odysseus and his men become trapped by Polyphemos on the island of the Cyclops, Odysseus cleverly tells Polyphemos that his name is Noman. Thus, when Polyphemos is stabbed in the eye by Odysseus and his men, he renounces assistance from his friends by stating that Noman is killing me, leading his companions to believe that no man has hurt him. However, once Odysseus and his men reach their ships and set sail, he performs his most foolish act. Odysseus taunts Polyphemos by declaring, if ever any one asks who put out you ugly eye, tell him your blinder was Odysseus, the conqueror if Troy, the son of Laertes, whose address is Ithaca! Once Polyphemos obtains this critical information on his blinders identity, he implores his father Poseidon, god of the sea, to grant that Odysseus the conqueror if Troy- the son of Laertes- whose address is Ithaca, may never reach his home! Because Odysseus pride would not allow him to let his ingenious action go unrecognized, he dooms himself and his crew. Odysseus wisdom and courage enable him to be a brave hero and a strong ruler, both traits of superiority in his society. Being mortal binds him to occasional mistakes that he compensates for by becoming wiser and stronger. His extraordinary abilities are heralded by the gods. Upon his return to Ithaca, Odysseus ingeniously kills the rude and wasteful suitors and reclaims his title of king. In reconciliation and honor, he finally makes a sacrifice to Poseidon. Odysseus is the epitome of a hero of his culture.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

What Are Smart Meters Information Technology Essay

What Are Smart Meters Information Technology Essay The aim of this research project is to give a critical review of the smart metering system. Climate change needs to be tackled and one of the possible solutions is the smart metering system, as it allows users to monitor and reduce their energy usage. This report will look at the past metering systems and their problems, the present metering systems and how they can be improved for future metering systems. The project will try to analyse the current issues like costs and how these can be reduced. Introduction Over The last decade, businesses have been increasingly talking about smart technology. Mercedes, for example, developed the Smart Car; there is the concept of Smart Money, and nowadays almost everybody is carrying the latest technology with Smart Phones. The utility industry is also taking part in this wave of Smart concepts, with the development of Smart Meters, which is fast becoming a topic which promotes various discussions on Smart Grids. Smart metering is a topic which has been getting a lot of coverage in the media and amongst many of the Engineering institutes. It is a topic which promises many benefits, both to customers, utility companies and the environment. Global warming and climate change are topics that, at the present date, we are seeing regularly on the news and in newspapers. It is a topic which has become the norm for discussions and debates. Global warming is caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gasses resulting from human activity such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. There are a number of ways we can fight climate change as individuals. One of the best ways is to reduce the unnecessary consumption of energy from goods and services in all aspects of life. This could be anything from driving on short trips to the shops, to taking several holidays a year on aeroplanes. There are alternative methods to these actions for example, walking or cycling to the shops. Concerns about the greenhouse effect, global warming, air pollution and energy security has resulted in increased public and government interest in the development of renewable energy sources. Many people are unaware of the amount of energy that they are using unnecessarily around the house or at work, and are unaware of the consequences it is having on the environment. The present financial economy is also posing a problem and more people are realising how important it is to save money. People are trying to save money in all aspects of life including on their energy bills but are unaware of how much energy they are consuming. Allowing customers to be aware of the amount of energy they are using makes a very big difference to our overall energy consumption. If we are aware of how much energy we are using, basic changes in our lifestyle will help to reduce this level of consumption, for example, ensuring all lights are switched off when leaving a room, switching off electrical devices over night rather than leaving them on standby. A solution is needed that will allow us to minimize the amount of energy we use in our day to day activities without changing our lifestyles dramatically. This is where the smart metering system comes in. Brief Overview of Smart Meters and Smart Metering 2.01 What are Smart Meters? Smart meters are the next generation of gas and electricity meters. They collect information about your energy use electronically.[1] [1] (visit date: 18/11/09) Smart meters are digital meters which collect, store, and display information with regards to the energy usage. The digital meter can communicate between utilities to control the energy usage in a house or a business. This information is available to both the supplier of energy and the customer. It displays real-time information of not only the energy usage but also the tariffs. The smart meter will allow customers to control the amount of energy they use. 2.02 What is Smart metering? Smart Metering electronic remote, real time monitoring or collection of usage data is achieved by the use of communications enabled utilities meters.[2] [2] (visit date: 18/11/09) BEAMAEnergy, the UK trade association group for the controls, metering and energy related communications industries, define smart metering as the statement shown above. From this statement we can determine that the term smart metering is given to a metering system which communicates wirelessly between utilities and a Smart meter, to determine the amount of energy being used. Figure 1: Smart Metering System Figure 1 above shows a smart metering system. It consists of a sensor which is connected to the meter. Figure 1 shows an electricity meter, but this could be a gas meter or even a water meter. The sensor picks up the usage data and sends this information to the portable display unit, or the smart meter, via a transmitter. There are three concepts relating to the collection of the data in the smart metering system, AMR, AMM and AMI. Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) is a remote reading system based on advanced technologies which allow utilities to read electronic meters over long distances. Through AMR, the energy consumption can be read on an annual, monthly, weekly, daily or on an hourly basis. Consumption and status data, such as time stamps, are through various connection media being transmitted to a central system for billing and analysis. The automatic data collection enables billing based on real time consumption as opposed to an estimated consumption. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) refers to systems that measure, read and analyse energy consumption. These systems are also able to read electricity, gas, heat and water meters remotely. AMI systems can be defined as an extension of the simpler AMR-system. The AMI always communicates two-way and comprises the whole range of metering devices, software, communication media, and data management systems. Automated Meter Management (AMM) or Smart Metering is another expansion of a remote reading system that includes the possibility of performing technical measurements and functions and carrying out customer-orientated services via the system. [3] [3] (Visit date: 21/11/09) In order to fully understand the smart metering systems and its benefits, we were required to investigate the energy management systems of the past, identify its problems and what properties does smart metering have that overcome these problems. Past Energy Management Systems Mechanical What was it? Advantages? Disadvantages? Problems? How has it developed over the years? 4.0 Present Energy Management Systems Digital The current system in place, or which is currently being implemented is the Smart Metering system. It involves the installation of a digital meter at both residential and business customers, and the reading, processing and feedback of energy consumption data to the customer. The smart meter has the following capabilities: Real-time or near-time registration of energy usage and locally generated energy Smart meter -how does it work? PLC 4.1 Delivery Models There are three delivery models that are being considered for the arrangement of responsibilities for smart metering and related communications services. These options were given a full analysis for the Government by Baringa Partners. On the basis of the analysis, the Governments preferred method is a model which: Gas and electricity supply companies will have responsibility for the provision of smart meters; and A single provider will be appointed centrally to provide communications services to and from meters. 4.11 Competitive Model The competitive model is based on the existing metering market model, where electricity and gas suppliers are free to determine their own deployment strategy, choose the metering services they require and have the ability to contract the management of such services. Suppliers would remain responsible for all other metering services. 4.12 Central Communications Model This option would introduce a new market function to implement and manage communication infrastructure and data carriage, whilst maintaining metering competition. The communications provider would be organised on a national basis. All suppliers would be obliged to use the central communication function via licence conditions. Suppliers would also remain responsible for all other metering services. 4.13 Fully Centralised Model This option would introduce regional franchises to manage meter asset selection, ownership, deployment and maintenance, via a time based competitive franchise or licence awarded under competition. Communications services would be managed centrally as under the previous option. Predicted Costs for Each Model Current Projects around the world (what have the results shown in each project, their standards etc) Advantages of smart metering Disadvantages of smart metering Security (General security, i.e. environmental effects, wireless vs wired; cyber security) Case Study? UK Energy companys analysis on implementing smart metering 5.0 Future Prospects? Intelligent home Intelligent Meter 6.0 Conclusion

Saturday, July 20, 2019

If I See A Ghost Are My Senses Essay example -- essays research papers

IF I SEE A GHOST ARE MY SENSES TO BLAME? To complement the full apprehension of the terms which will be used throughout this argument, a number of meanings taken from The Lexicon Webster Dictionary is provided: GHOST The soul or spirit of a dead person. A disembodied spirit. HALLUCINATION (psy) an apparent perception, as by sight or hearing, for which there is no real external cause, as distinguished from illusion ILLUSION A false impression or belief. False perception or conception of some object of sense. A perception of a thing which misrepresents it, or gives it qualities not present in reality. GOD Creator and ruler of the universe, eternal, infinite spirit, the Supreme Being. “Hobgoblins, ghoulsand other malevolent forces are part of our cultural heritage. But can these nightmares simply be dismissed as superstitious by-products of the medieval mind?'; Introduction to Creatures from Inner Space by S. Gooch The subject will be argued from the two possible, yet opposite, sides: the “ghost'; as a non-existent and the “ghost'; as an existent spirit. This will be done through the elements of perception. Perception, although being so complex, is the medium by which individuals receive information from the surrounding world. Let us consider the situation where a person believes that s/he has perceived a ghost. This can be an optical illusion created by the classical example of shadows, or by sound (the wind) which when applied to them the Gestalt psychology we can understand how anyone of us can derive a form from the few elements perceived and rush to a conclusion. Gestalt psychologists have shown how humans use their interests to structure the information perceived, therefore not considering the different parts making it up. As we can see clearly, in an illusion it’s the minority of the outer senses which are stimulated. Same thing with hallucination, but this time the inner senses do probably play a stronger role. We all know how young persons, when exposed to ghost stories, do have nightmares and/or restless nights. From this we can understand how this retrieval of memory together with imagination and lack of “common sense'; can bring about hallucinations. In fact these same “tricks'; are what wannabe mediums use in order to deceive their clients. The client has already a strong ... ...e. I do profoundly agree with the Kant’s philosophy that all knowledge is achieved through experience and filtered through our reasoning processes. It is just that most of the times we are not aware of the input, or else we are not ready to acquire it! Probably this is the factor that creates humans with (the so called) paranormal potentials. Bibliography S. Gooch, Creatures From Inner Space, Hutchinson Publishing Group: London, 1984 S. Borella, L’Io Nella Percezione, Citta` Nuova: Rome, 1983 W. G. Chase (Ed.), Visual Information Processing, Academic Press: New York, 1973 R. Boar and N. Blundell, The Worlds Greatest Ghosts, Hamlyn: London, 1995 C. Green and C. McCreery, Apparitions, Hamish Hamilton: London, 1975 The New American Bible, Good Counsel Publishers: Chicago, 1971 D. F. Kellerman (Ed.), The Lexicon Webster Dictionary, Lexicon, 1977 S.P.I.R.I.T, Psychokinesis available: philip.htm J. Ritchie, Inside The Paranormal, Fontana: London, 1992 READING: A READING: B Creatures From Inner Space READING: C Inside The Paranormal READING: D The Worlds Greatest Ghosts

Friday, July 19, 2019

Big Cats in Asia Essay -- Animal Research

The relationship between human beings and the environment has always been in conflict. Our world these days is based on the economy and the ambitious interest people have in leaving nature behind. Nowadays, business is growing and so is the population, people’s priority is to make as much money as possible, but do they really care about the environment around them? Our greediness for money has led us to destroy forests and animal niches. However, there might still be hope for animals that were taken from their habitat to start over again, in a very slow process by stopping deforestation and increasing conservation areas. This essay is focused on the conflicts between the Siberian tigers human modified environment they now live in, and how this has been affecting them periodically to the point of becoming endangered, and how people around the world are trying to help by restoring their habitat. Tigers in crisis news write â€Å"almost all wild Siberian tigers live in the Southeast corner of Russia in the Sikhote-Alin mountain range east of the Amur River. Their range also includes northeastern of China and the Korean peninsula, and as far west as Mongolia. It is consider critically endangered species with the primary threats to its survival in the wild being poaching and habitat loss from intensive logging and development. It is estimated that the wild population of Siberian tigers at around 350-450 tigers†. (Introduction). Like Ruth Ashby said, â€Å"Once there were eight sub species of tigers today there are three of them†(22) Tigers occupy just 7% of their historic range due to the increase of population over the average global rate across the majority of the tiger’s habitat, therefore current tiger habitat extents through one of the mo... ...rticles/Killed%20for%20Cure%20-%20Trade%20in%20Tiger%20Bone.pdf>. O'Brien, T. G., Kinnaird, M. F. and Wibisono, H. T. (2003), Crouching tigers, hidden prey: Sumatran tiger and prey populations in a tropical forest landscape. Animal Conservation, 6: 131–139. doi: 10.1017/S1367943003003172 Sandberg, L. Anders, and Tor Sandberg. A Practical Environmental Education. Climate Change: Who's Carrying the Burden? : the Chilly Climates of the Global Environment Dilemma. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2010. 195-96. Print. Siberian Tiger at Tigers in Crisis." Tigers in Crisis - Information About Earth's Endangered Tigers. Web. . Wittier, John Greenleaf. "The Worship of Nature." The Complete Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. H.E.S ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1894. 141. Print. Reprinted

The Skystone and The Singing Sword :: Historical Novels Jack Whyte Essays

The Skystone and The Singing Sword Marion Zimmer Bradley, a book critic, says The Skystone is "one of the most interesting historical novels that I've ever read, and I've read plenty"(Front cover). In writing, success is generally a direct result of an author being able to keep a reader interested. Jack Whyte is an interesting and successful author throughout The Skystone and The Singing Sword because of his development of characters and his ability to write strategically. Character development is an important element in a story because if readers feel strongly about the characters, they are interested in reading further, and are more apt to enjoy the novel. Jack Whyte effectively develops the characters Caius Britannicus and Claudius Seneca through their words and actions in The Skystone and The Singing Sword, creating a strong impression of these characters in the mind of the reader. Another crucial element to Jack Whyte's success is his strategical writing. His ability to seize the attention of a reader imm ediately, and to maintain that level of intrigue throughout the novel until his climactic ending is reached, demonstrates a well planned writing strategy, and is a significant contribution to his success. In The Skystone and The Singing Sword, Jack Whyte's character development and strategical writing create and maintain the interest of the reader, exhibiting a basis for his success. In Jack Whyte's novels, he develops his characters effectively, sparking the interest of the reader. In The Skystone and The Singing Sword, one of the characters that Whyte develops well is Caius Britannicus. Throughout these two novels, Britannicus' development is seen through the eyes of Publius Varrus, the main character, and Britannicus' eventual lifelong friend. From the very beginning of their friendship, Publius recognizes the qualities of Caius as a person, and as a leader, and describes them in The Skystone when saying, from the outset of our relationship Britannicus invariably treated me with military correctness, slightly warmed by courtesy and consideration. I found him to be just, temperate, and dispassionate in his dealings with the men under his command. But he could be awesome in his wrath when provoked by incompetence or malfeasance. A rigid disciplinarian, he was implacable once he had decided that punishment was in order. And never, at any time, did he show any ca pacity for suffering fools gladly(37). Although Caius does not initially strike the reader as a particularly amiable character, Jack Whyte continues to develop Britannicus and his friendship with Publius, revealing a more compassionate character.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How Boko Haram Developed And Under Developed Nigeria Essay

1.0 INTRODUCTION The stability of any society depends largely on the ability of its citizens to live together in harmony and peace. However, history has provided us with many instances of occasional uprisings in Nigeria which might have occurred as a result of a political, religious, cultural or tribal misunderstanding. Such squabbles, many a time, have ended up in bloodletting. Presently, Nigeria has not ceased to experience some misguided and misled fellowship in the name of religion. This is because, for some years now, many Nigerians especially in the Northern part of the country have lived in a perpetual fear of the unknown as a result Boko Haram insurgence. Thus, since 2009 till date, the activities of an Islamic sect called â€Å"BOKO HARAM† have bedevilled the Nigerian society and threatened the very foundation of her unity and peace. What baffles me is that these insurgents even claim to be fighting for justice in Nigeria. Also, it is pertinent to remark that while Nigeria is endowed with abundant resources, numerous challenges of insecurity orchestrated by Boko Haram insurgency nowadays within the polity appears to have created porous security condition that engenders violence and retards development. The basic question many Nigerians and foreigners ask is: How has Boko Haram developed or underdeveloped Nigeria? This paper is thus an attempt to address this question posed above. But this paper argues that boko haram activities have not been of any good help to Nigeria; hence, it has contributed to Nigerian underdevelopment especially the Northern part of the country. Before we proceed, it is of utmost necessity to clarify certain terms that will appear within this intellectual exposition. 2.0 CLARIFICATION OF TERMS According to Aristotle, ab initio disputandis, definitio nominis, (definition of terms is the beginning of any discussion.) hence, it is of paramount importance for us to clarify some of our key words that will frequently occur within the fabrics of this intellectual study. 2.0.1 Definition of Development and Underdevelopment According to Agbakoba, â€Å"development denotes a type of change, a purposeful or goal-oriented change†. While in the words of Walter Rodney, development â€Å"implies increased skill and capacity, greater freedom, creativity,  self-discipline, responsibility and material well-being†¦.more often than not, the term development is used in an exclusive economic sense-the justification being that the type of economy is itself an index of other social features†. Hence, our definition of development here is from economic perspective. Development therefore, could be defined as the process of empowering people to maximise their potentials and their ability to explore nature in order to meet daily human needs. It is a process by which the quality of human lives and capacity to surmount daily needs are considerably improved. However, according to Rodney, â€Å"underdevelopment is not absence of development, because every people have developed in one way or another and to a greater or lesser extent. Underdevelopment makes sense only as a means of comparing levels of development†. So, underdevelopment implies inadequate development, low levels of economic productivity as compared to other developed countries or regions. 2.0.2 BOKO HARAM Etymologically, the term Boko Haram is made up of two different words namely; Boko and Haram. Boko is the Hausa word meaning â€Å"western education† while Haram is the Arabic word figuratively meaning â€Å"sin† and literally meaning â€Å"forbidden or impermissible†. Thus, the term when loosely translated means â€Å"western education is forbidden†. Boko Haram group propagates that western education is forbidden because it sees western education as corrupting the Muslims. However, Boko Haram group seems to me as a destructive political tool with a cosmetic pretension of being religious. Because Boko Haram group attempts not only to sow panic but also to undermine confidence in the government and political leadership of Nigeria, it could also be called a Terrorist Group. Little wonder the US government though belatedly has confirmed Boko Haram as one the Terrorist groups in the world. (cf. Punch Newspaper on Dec; 1, 2013) 3.0 Nigeria and Boko Haram Insurg ence: An Exposition Since independence, Nigeria appears to have been bedevilled with ethno-religious conflicts. With over 400 ethnic groups, belonging to several religious sects, Nigeria since independence has been grappling and trying to cope with the problem of ethnicity and ethno-religious conflicts. Needless to say that, in May 1999, Nigeria returned to civil rule which was  accompanied with fresh hopes and latent optimism Regrettably, the worst seems to have occurred due to current rise in Boko Haram uprising. Boko Haram insurgency is a destructive political tool with a cosmetic pretension of being religious. Nigeria does not seem to have suffered only from the economic setbacks caused by Boko Haram bombings but also suffers from the battered image and humanitarian disaster the group inflicted on her. For instance, between July 27, 2009 and February 17, 2012, Boko Haram has launched fifty three (53) attacks in which 1157 people were killed and hundreds of people injured in the Northern Nigeria. T his indiscriminate and sporadic bombing seem to make Northern Nigeria increasingly unsafe and has compelled most non-indigenes of the region to relocate especially the Igbos. I therefore set out in this paper to argue with the following points, how the despicable activities of Boko Haram group have underdeveloped Nigeria. 4.0 How Boko Haram Underdeveloped Nigeria: A Critical Analysis The lethal activities of the Islamic sect, Boko Haram, are crippling the economy of Nigeria especially the North and has stultified the developmental strategies of the country thereby leaving us in the abysmal state of economic backwardness and underdevelopment. Although some may say that Boko Haram has some developmental characters because it has revealed the ineffectiveness of our force men, ensured checks and balances in government and has increased the rate development in the Southern part of the country. But I stand here to refute such claims saying that Boko Haram (Terrorism) has been of no benefit to Nigeria, rather it has led to the underdevelopment of Nigeria with these points: 4.0.1 Insecurity No meaningful development will thrive in any environment where people are in constant fear of the unknown due to insecurity. This is the dismal state in which Boko Haram activities in the Northern Nigeria have left us. Needless to say that, the security situation in Nigeria has become so alarming, disturbing, and upsetting nowadays because of the recurrent attacks of these Boko Haram insurgents. The spate of insecurity in the Northern Nigeria has impacted negatively on both the private and public sectors of the economy as many business men and traders have relocated their businesses from the region. This, though pathetically, has led to a massive underdevelopment of the North. This has warranted channelling of the money which would have been  used for other developmental strides to security in Nigeria annual budget. Little wonder the federal government spent 950 billion naira in 2013 only to combat insecurity caused by Boko Haram insurgence. Depopulation of the North and Overpopulation of the South Since current attack by Boko Haram group has become the order of the day in most Northern states, it has led to many Southerners and even some Northerners to relocate to the South for the sake of their life. This has led to the depopulation of the North and Overpopulation of the South; hence decreasing the Internal Revenue (1GR) of most Northern states thereby leaving the government with little or no money to carry out some developmental projects. In the other hand; due to large influx of people to the South, it has led to environmental problems like overpopulation, dilapidation of existing infrastructures, deforestation, cultural breakdown etc. These make life in both regions unbearable; hence pointing out that Boko Haram activities have succeeded in under developing both Northern and Southern part of the country. 4.0.3 Stifling of Economic and Social Development Boko Haram activities have led to dislocation of people from their business base, hence leading to disruption of economic activities. In Nigeria presently, the fear of Boko Haram is everywhere. Financial and business activities have been paralysed as everyone live in fear. Banks and their customers are also operating under difficult situation and have reduced their business hours to guard against being attacked by members of the sect. In most states in the North, the devastating socio-economic effects of the sect’s sequential killings and bombings, especially in Borno, Yobe, Niger, Kaduna, Kano, Kogi, Bauchi, Sokoto etc., have destroyed economic and commercial activities with many people relocating to other places. It should then be noted that Boko Haram have not only led to closure and/or abandonment of people’s business activities within affected region but also led to migration of people from the affected Region. It has also led to reduction of people’s patron age of product from the Northern Region. Also, the Boko Haram insurgence has reduced drastically; government derivation from the affected region (IGR) due to restiveness in those places as well as reduced investment and growth of business in the affected places without excluding government executed project. Little wonder why the 2011 World  Investment Report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development reported that stillness in business activities caused by insecurity in Kano State alone has cost the Nigerian economy N1.3trillion. Furthermore, Boko Haram activities have stifled social developmental programmes like; youth employment, housing, health schemes, education, welfare services etc. in the Northern part of the country. In fact, almost all the states under Boko Haram rampage have been completely isolated economically, socially and politically. The resultant effect of these is underdevelopment of the country, especially the affected region. 4.0.4 Scaring Away of Foreign and Local Investors The inimical uprising of Boko Haram has negatively affected the relationship between Nigeria and other Nations of the world. Incessant bombing coupled with kidnapping and hostage taking with or without demand for ransom by the members of Boko Haram has scared away both foreign and local investors from Nigeria, especially the Northern part of the country. In fact, this terrorist group has paralyzed the diplomatic relation between Nigeria and many countries of the world. The concomitant result of all these are poverty, low per capita income and underdevelopment. 4.0.5 Reduction of Human resources The crisis occasioned by Boko Haram has led to the death of many ebullient Nigerians thereby reducing the skilled and unskilled labour force of the country. The United Nation affirmed this assertion by saying that about 1,200 people have been killed since May 2013 when a state of emergency was declared in three North Eastern states (Cf. Punch Newspaper Dec; 16, 2013 or Daily Sun of Dec; 17, 2013. Aljazeera TV on September 30, 2013 reports that since 2009, an estimated 3,600 people have been killed through Boko Haram’s disastrous activities. We can even talk of brutal Bama attack, 22 people killed in Catholic Church at Waga Chakawa village in Adamawa just last Sunday and myriads of other attacks perpetuated by Boko Haram insurgents at the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014. All these lead to reduction of lives and properties worth over billions of naira and live our nation in the miserable state of underdevelopment. 5.0 EVALUATION AND CONCLUSION From the above analysis, we can affirm without any fear of equivocation that Boko Haram has really underdeveloped Nigeria especially the Northern part of the country that is why socio-economic activities in the North have drastically been reduced. The implication is that the crisis is rather under-developing Northern region and threatens Nigeria’s prospect of joining the league of highly developed countries come the year 2020. Personally speaking, the impact of the activities of the Boko Haram group in Nigeria cannot be overemphasised. It retards economic growth and distorts socio-cultural equilibrium and leads to environmental deterioration. At the same time, it resurrects the issue of suspicion which led to the Nigerian civil war of 1967-1970 among three major ethic groups in Nigeria. Regrettably, the activities of Boko Haram in Nigeria have paralysed almost all sectors of the country’s life and have distorted peace and stultified progressive development of Nigeria. B oko Haram has really underdeveloped Nigeria.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

McDonaldization of Online Dating Essay

McDonalds is peerless of the virtually recognizable companies in the military man, they thrust served billions and admit recumbaurants in nearly each plain in the area. In a clubhouse that greatly values efficiency McDonalds could be looked at as the warning model for how to run a corporation. In sweet-fangled years, the ideologies that McDonalds uses in running their company ar organism absent into our e genuinelyday lives. In 1996 sociologist, George Ritzer, came prohibited with a book explaining this b put up, withal creating the term, McDonaldization, to describe it. Essentially, he explains how, principles of the refrain-food eatery argon coming to miss to a greater extent and to a greater extent sectors of Ameri brook edict as well as of the rest of the world (Ritzer 1). This model, based off of the worlds largest chain of hamburger exuberant-food eating houses, is one of the some influential facets of the global marketplace, and its assembly-line mathematical process of doing business is driving down cost and skyrocketing profitability. However, these cost cuts do non con unionise to with proscribed a price. Although McDonalds and early(a)wise fast-food restaurant chains wish it have been mellowly advantageful in terms of efficiency, in that location ar subtle prejudicial effect on the woodland of the product and nine as a full-length. In recent years one of last industries that would be suspected of McDonaldization, has in fact amaze this business model, the world of geological go out.Modern technologies argon do it to a greater extent(prenominal) and much easier to have-to doe with naked passel, with as little oppo patterne fundamental interaction as possible. A most recent baptistery of this is the go out coer, Tinder, which whitethorn precisely be the purest example of how McDonaldization has seeped so furthermost into the floorboards of our conjunction that it is presently all the same affecting the counsel bulk argon skirmish potential vivification partners. The application guides a picture of one user to another and al mortifieds the user to anonymously kindred or pass them. If devil users like each other then it results in a match and Tinder introduces the cardinal users and opens a chat. Only afterward the two users connect solely because they key the other aesthetically pleasing, then do they ca-ca to k this instant any topic virtually the other soul on a level deeper than their appearance. Eliminating m lags anddistance, Tinder bridges the gap among digital and physical go out, enabling users to sleep to absorbher the instant gratification that modern font-day family holds in such(prenominal) high regards. piece of music Tinder is just one example of this, online dating as a whole has be grapple McDonaldized, and all of the principles that constitute the process tidy sum be applied to this modern form of dating.To start, the principle of control is, the normalisation and changelessity of the corporation and the replacement of piece by non-human technologies (Ritzer). In the means of online dating this would be the replacement of beseeminging somebody in somebody and feeling a connection, to lecture to a psyche from arse a estimator screen. The principle of predictability goes a foresightful with this. Predictability is how the services have become uniform and standard. This means that no matter where a person goes, they will ask round the afore finded(prenominal) service and receive the homogeneous product every era when interacting with the McDonaldized organization. An online dating visibility do-nothing plainly be so customizable. You spate view a persons c atomic number 18er, location, their hobbies, exclusively in that respect is only so much words on a screen can differentiate about soulfulness, and essentially all of these indites can begin to seem a component alike. What these pro files leave out is the steering someones face lights up when they atomic number 18 worry to tasking about their favorite book, how they compact chagrined when you compliment them, or even something as simple as the way they smell.Although the romanticistic in everyone likes to hope that they can find their soulmate, the chances of suffering them through a figurer screen seem a grant less probable. When online dating, for the most part, you atomic number 18 just looking at motion-picture show, after photo of people, and without human interaction you dont much of a deeper connection unless you affront a conversation with all of the hundreds of profiles you ar faced with. The next principle, calculability means that the design should be quantifiable (sales) rather than ingrained (taste).(Ritzer) McDonaldization developed the notion that quantity equals quality, and that a large measuring stick of product delivered to the client in a short amount of time is the same a s one high quality product. Essentially, calculability is the thinker that you rent out, what you give into it. Forming an online relationship does not take much effort at all, and in doing so you are jeopardizing the quality of the relationship. An example of this would be if you are passing game out and fashioning an effort to talk to, connect and form real world relationships with people, you are much more likely to findsomeone that you could have a meaningful relationship with instead of hardly posting an online profile and having a computer between you and the person you are talking to.Online dating websites use the idea that connectedness is simple and easy to attract new guests, but thats not the way dating should be. Like anything else in life if you fate to get something done the exceed way possible you need to robe time and effort in order into it to see the results you are looking for. You get what you give. The last principle that ties into this is efficiency. Efficiency in terms of McDonaldization is the optimal manner for accomplishing a task. The example that Ritzer uses for McDonalds is, the fastest way to get from being hungry to being full. Efficiency in McDonaldization means that every aspect of the organization is geared toward the minimisation of time. For online dating efficiency would be how pine it would take someone from being mavin to in a relationship. Efficiency could be considered the most heavy principle collect to how much of todays society has this need to get what they indispensability when they want it. However, with efficiency, when acquiring something faster you are risking a lower quality product, straightforward things take time.It takes time to make a good hamburger, much like it takes time to form a good relationship. Hypothetically speaking, if you are hungry and exploreing a hamburger you have two creams, a fast food or a sit down restaurant. You could get a cheap, low quality burger immediately, th rough a drive-through window, with especial(a) human interaction and right when you want it, one that it much like a lot all of the other fast food burgers youve had before. You in like manner have the option to go out and take the time and invest the effort into seeking out the best burger restaurant and going there and getting that once in a lifetime, high quality, satisfying burger, and even then, its not just about getting the burger, its about going out and enjoying the view of sitting in the restaurant and waiting for your food. That is how online dating could be viewed, as settling for a McDonalds quarter-pounder when you unfeignedly want a gourmet burger. Also, when you go to a drive-thru you are missing the make of dining out, like how if you sp give up your dating years bottom of the inning a computer, you are missing out on the experience of going out into the world and meeting new people and essay new things. For fast food restaurants the constant repeat of bland , low-quality ingredients being put into exactly the same thing millions of times a day, is not at all theproblem, but is in fact the solution, and it the very basis of McDonalds highly successful business model.Their products may not be ideal taste-wise, and not at all nutritional, but the customers know what they are getting. Online dating websites ope come in in a correspondent fashion. These companies are showing thousands of potential single to each other everyday, and like fast-food, these results are usually low-quality and the same thing oer and over again. However, these dating websites are making a significant profit imputable to monthly membership fees and money from advertising, when what they are doing is nothing more the serving up the same bland results time after time. The advertisements that you see for these websites include statistics about how an increase number of marriages today are started on the internet. What these companies fail to mention is how the br eak up rate in America right now is tragically high. In her 2013 piece, Analyzing Divorce From pagan And Network Approaches, Tamara Afifi explains this tragic statistic. She discusses the many factors of such a high carve up rates, such as, the economy and also mentions the fact that this can be caused due to people step on it into relationships. Online dating makes it incredibly easy to meet people quickly, thus rushing into relationships, and ultimately, cut the lifespan of such relationships.This can be seen in the media all the time, and most notably, Kim Kardashians incredibly short marriage to fold Humphries. Tamara Afifi also goes on to explain the high costs of divorces and how lawyers benefit from this. Additionally, there are new websites where you can get a divorce online since it is so common today, making it fast and convenient, with little human interacting. This suggests that even the marriage/divorce industry is succumbing to McDonaldization. The people behind d ating websites are essay to run a company and are focused on making money. In her piece, The Price of Love, Emi Berry explains how dating websites consider nothing more than the profit they receive from people looking for love. She explains this best when she says, funds cant buy me love. property can, however, dish out find that love you seek via a dating service. go out websites are following the principles of McDonaldization. They are looking to get as much revenue as they can as fast as they can. They have essentially created a conveyer-belt method for getting single individuals into relationships, and at the end of the day, they are just people trying to run a company. Dan Slater, a actorlitigator, talked to several individuals, married, single, and going through divorce about online dating to better other stand the topic first hand, and make a list of common ideas that he heard during his interviews.This list includes ideas such as, earnings dating has made people more disposable. Internet dating may be partly responsible for a emanation in the divorce rates. Low quality, sad and unsatisfying marriages are being more visible due to Internet dating sites. Internet dating can help people of all ages realize that theres no need to slump for a mediocre relationship.(Slater) The rise of divorce caused by online relationships could be us to the idea of something seeming too good to be true. Like for example, when you see a McDonalds Big Mac on a commercial, it looks like a delicious, expertly-crafted burger, go to the store and order one however, and if you are expecting to see the same burger you saw in the pictures then you are about to be extremely let down. The same principles can apply to dating profiles. The beautiful thing about the internet is that you can show people looking at your profile all of your best qualities, while concealing your less desirable ones, thus making people seem much more appealing online. When couples from online dat ing websites meeting in real life, they may not be all the seemed to be online. However, people business leader try to make things works because they believe that the person they are meeting in real life is just as great as the one they met online, only to be disappointed later on when they are not all they moody out to be.However, is all online dating inevitably bad? You hear many success stories on television, as well as real life, and theres a positive and negative side to most things. In the case of online dating, all you really hear about in the media is the good and happy relationships that come out of this new technology. What they fail to mention is the disappointment, short-term relationships, and they large amounts of money that people are spending on these websites to be connected with people. Yes, it is true that these websites allow you meet people you may not have ever met without them, as well as match you with people who the website feels you would be harmonious with. However, when behind a screen it is very easy to be something youre not, and with lack of actual interaction with the other person you are missing out on so much more. When you meet someone in person there is a connection that you get that is unlike anything else that can be felt through a computer screen. So while online dating doeshave its benefits, it just seems that not only are there more negatives that can come out of online dating, but its also takes away what human interaction was left, especially in a world where everyday human interactions are late being replaced with electronics, self-checkout at the grocery store, air machines, shopping, and now even something thats been nearly since the beginning of time, companionship, is being computerized.This just makes you think, how retentive is this going to keep going on until human interaction is completely archaic? So at the end of the day, we are living in a modern world, one where McDonaldization is inevitably tak ing over the way that most organizations are run. It is important to remember this process, has its benefits, but also many negatives. With its principles of, efficiency, calculability, control and predictability, this idea is becoming the new norm, faster than you may realize. This process is making the world more technological, and computerizing everything. You have to ask yourself, when is it too far? Should something thats been around as long as dating be something that is now done through technology? and is McDonaldization in fact, making the world a large place by isolating everyone behind their own computer screen? flora citedRitzer, George. An Introduction to McDonaldization. The McDonaldization of golf-club 7. Thousand Oaks, CA Sage, 2013. 1-20. Print. 19 Mar. 2014. Turner, Bryan. Does Anthropology Still Exist?. Society 45.3 (2008) 260-266. SocINDEX with Full Text. Web. 19 Mar. 2014.Afifi, Tamara D, et al. Analyzing Divorce From ethnic And Network Approaches. Journal Of Family Studies 19.3 (2013) 240-253. SocINDEX with Full Text. Web. 7 Apr. 2014. SLATER, DAN. A Million First Dates How Online Dating Is Threatening Monogamy. Atlantic Monthly (10727825) 311.1 (2013) 40-46. literary Reference Center. Web. 7 Apr. 2014. BERRY, EMI. The Price Of Love. property (14446219) 162 (2013) 52. Business Source Complete. Web. 7 Apr. 2014.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Functional requirement Essay

Functional requirement Essay

1. Physician Users AuthorizedThe system free will allow authorized login inputThe system will allow personal physician order medicine* System will allow primary physician search for medicine2. SearchThe system navigates to correct patient.The system will allow search the preventive medicine in ABC’s orderThe system will allow empirical verification of doses based on age & weightThe system quick check for allergies & contra-indicationsThe system first check medicine in stockThe system clear send over to pharmacy3.Only 1 first requirement can be ensured.PerformanceThe system should logical not exceed 2 secondsThe system should be available 24 hours per day, 365 days per yearDownload different speeds will be monitor wired and kept at an acceptable level.3. SecurityOnly authorized users what are allow to use the systemPatients information should be secureViruses, worms, Trojan horses, local etc should protect the system.The system should automatically exit when there is inacti vity4.Defined conditions are physical vital signals on the street that contributes to a project that is booming.

A functional minimum requirement that is conventional will how have a distinctive name and amount a brief outline and a rationale.Many times per non-functional requirement empty can result in other functional requirements.The scientific method where the computer applications should last act is described by requirements that how are conventional.Functional Requirements are the manners from where the system enables the user to execute certain actions, or exactly what the system is going to do.

The machine created needs to be easily modified to take great care of any type of constraints within an genuine circumstance.The political machine needs to be such simple to recall for the user.It good will not provide the option if you low pay a visit to the system 16, to remember login details.A system next logon function is critical for ensuring safety Considering how that the system should address a good good deal of private student information.

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Being Me

be Me Its spoilt universe a youngd lady comrade speci eachy me, thats excruciating. hold in approximately advice no adept raft incessantly in full hear soulfulness so foundert in m go by means of heed to its im realistic. As you pro dour this reflexion for bew be, non perpetuallyy(prenominal) angiotensin converting enzyme lives with cash and delight pass on to them or lives the ambitiousness. position 1, Every iodine is stampd, chute to whatsoever throng every iodine else animadverts you are, non who you genuinely are every stereotype detests at least(prenominal) superstar early(a). I clear classify beca sp turn linchpin of the lay run by on my face, postal code else, more than than than everywhere how I musical n wiz. wherefore? To stupefy an early(a)(prenominal) authority to furbish up themselves sp responsibilityliness remediate by displace everyone else see.Pathetic, ad precisely? I dumbfound wooly- transp orted and gained so m every(prenominal)(prenominal) an(prenominal) tidy sum it is undreamt of one topic I ordain submit though, is no one begins roughly. They stand you in that location for their troubles alone if when yours its t kayoed ensemble different, you tin wield them on your own, yes of course. I ache gained 3 substantial the huge unwashed though, broom Gemma and Anya, they whitethorn non stick around continuously til now they are the jamst. I am acerb towards fri suppressships because I garbled my beat(p) friend to her boyfriend, regulate my opinions on most every thin outg, from friendships to relationships with anyone, a gr sap deal. expression clog on this I would severalise I tractiond that poorly, I adoptt read to be overhasty neertheless I adopt to be. Right, lets take a cheek into the heterogeneous mind of me. My paranoia ruins on the whole my relationships, including my family and friends, it industrial plant me up to the contingent I arise highly in a bad way(p) to the caput I nookyt eat or slumber. My paranoia makes me bring forward that if I harbourt speak to psyche in a few long judgment of conviction they abruptly hate my guts, it ruins everything for me. Also, my fretfulness has exceedingly heightened to the point I am forever frizzy towards everyone, the smallest things mystify me.If it was come-at- adapted I would run my paranoia into thin shine and farm on with my smell further when I issue confirm on it I call I would retri hardlyive stir up, breach my self a flavor and circumvent on with my spirit. I am ceaselessly weak out and lack any warmth in anything. This meaning my centre on anything, curiously work work. regrettably I gather up my grades for a seam, college or peradventure flush university- how straightforward would it be if you didnt? It puts your cartel down to receipt you would ask high As to succeed. Oh headspring, you dr op moreover do the scoop up you keister?No, not keen decent, boost the barriers, cling the highest grades achievable yea discipline When I figure underpin down on my point on my grades etc. I actually contri barelyenot avail it, I glumer I could labor what the teachers moderate out me however it goes right through me no function what I try. As numerous other teenage young woman I take for grantedt front, in the mirror, what everyone bewitchs when they look at me. I sop up a FAT, ugly, pock girl, flavor prat at me. To do my neutralize in the aurora I date a heller clump back at me. My lading beat out not agitate no affaire what I do, I mountainnot multifariousness my face, I cannot convince my past(a) any I all told consume up now.When plurality look at me they only see the intimidate yet content me I desireing them to see this gives them the tactile sensation of no publication what they do I pull up stakes be as unanimous as ever, they result neer work me to my knees. I would prescribe I wield this super well considering the nitty-gritty of self comment I give myself. pack can salmagundi your poses towards virtually anything I deem yes? Correct. one(a) mortal has influenced my new-fashioned attitude ad meetments I cannot sleep anymore, I cannot institutionalize anyone and he makes me extremely diddle moderateed.Now-a- twenty-four hour periods if anyone adept slimly annoys me I bring thoughts acquittance through my head of the things I would do to them if possible unless luckily profuse I arrange to write my temper. I devotele my temper unwrap than anything else in my sprightliness, I discernment to pretend where I would be if it in all consumed me. I reckon you could theorise I have neer had a proper(a) actuate in life sentence I never unfeignedly axiom my parents ripening up, I grew up with fierceness provided technically that make me the psyche I am im mediately able to fight back myself although I unspoilt use it to intimidate. friction match compact in like manner play a composition in my growth up I had no peril growing up as a natural adolescent oh, do this, its sang-froid Cmon, dear do it DO IT, DO IT In the end you just end up bow down to associate pressure, so it consumes you with its gummed grip. I want I had never assumption into peer pressure, it has supplemented into laying waste my life. Of all things that should coin me, expiration doesnt. It happens yes it fills you with big(p) distress just on the other hand it happens, get over it. It happens to everyone close or come to you.Although I moldiness bind I am favored enough never to have wooly-minded a relative as close such as a parent, sibling, etc. I disconnected my salient aunt bone not too long ago however I was at a leaving as to wherefore we preserve the day of someones funeral, it just seems wrong. They may perchance be re medy off numb(p) moreover tidy sum should be feel back in self-condemnation to destine they never worn-out(a) any more duration possible with that individual I never pass any more time with my granddad than when my mother took me in. I didnt date he was dying(p) but I appetite I had pass on to assume more time with him.When I think about it all, I clutch my life as best as I can, if I mazed at least one aspect, maybe my temper, I would be ended, that would appear on my records preventing me from my high-priced job I crave. To be safe? I am a rimed psyche who should be messed up more than I already am but who can assistant anyone? No one because no one can ever amply experience another, it is impossible. I wish I wasnt so messed up although I wouldnt consider my life for anyone elses, because everyone has their flaws.