Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Learning Culture on Organisational Change †
Question: Discuss about the Learning Culture on Organisational Change. Answer: Introduction The following assignment prepares a change management plan for BD Corp, a training institute based in Australia. Change management can be stated as the procedure to alter the structure, policies, business functionalities and culture to influence business performance (Cameron and Green 2015). The brand is facing issues related to employee attrition and retention of talent. The study seeks to address these relevant issues, and provide recommendations to assist the brand in its growth. Additionally, it establishes the mission, vision and long term objectives and strategy in order to overcome the existing obstacles in its path. Mission - Offer corporate clients superior training, infrastructure and expertise, to assist them in achieving excellence. Vision-To attains global reputation and premium status worldwide, for imparting distinctive training services to its corporate clients. BD Corp thrives on the quality of its human resources. As such, the brand seeks to build the following organizational values. Transparency The brand seeks to create honest and transparent employee policies towards its employees. Thus, they would show loyalty and trust towards the brand, and strive hard to attain organization goals. Equality and compassionate BD Corp shall be equal and fair towards its employees irrespective of job-rank and functions. In addition, the brand seeks to be compassionate towards employee issues and demands As such, this would help employees to perform their job roles consistently. Teamwork- BD Corp emphasizes on teamwork and cooperation among co-workers, to ensure smooth and effective business operations. Therefore, every group would be required to shoulder responsibilities, and be accountable for their performance. SWOT Analysis Corporate reputation- The brand has been around for a number of years. Due to this, it has established strong reputation and goodwill in the market. It has a long list of satisfied clients, which has benefited from its training services. Thus, BD Corp can rely on its goodwill to build an effective business model in Australia. Expertise - The brand recruits trainers having expertise in finance, technology, marketing, analytics and other relevant disciplines. Thus, BD Corp has the ability to provide a wide range of training services under a single banner. Employee Attrition Rate- The brand has a high employee attrition rate, with a large number if trainers leaving after working after seven months. Due to this, it loses a substantial portion of its talented workforce that can help in achieving business sustainability. Customer service- Although, the company hires the best trainers, it has not yet succeeded to match its services with the best brands in Australia. Besides this, the brand has not been able to meet the expectations of its clients. Further expansion- The brand can look to expand further in the Australian Market, to capture greater market share. The brand can also establish corporate-tie ups with other reputed business entities in Australia, to provide training solutions. Through these attributes, BD Corp would be able to build a sustainable business model in the country. Incentives- The brand has been providing good remuneration to its employees, but it has been unable to retain key employees. According to Nahavandi et al. (2013), to prevent this, the brand can provide monetary and non- monetary incentives to its top performers. Furthermore, BD Corp shall also try to establish a more appropriate work environment for its employees. This can motivate employees to achieve individual and organizational goals. Intense market competition - With newer brands entering the market, BD Corp can find it difficult to survive in the market. The brand has to make efforts in advertising and promoting its policies to attract public attention towards the brand. Market changes- To deal with constant market changes, employers look for candidates with relevant expertise and knowledge. In such situations, BD Corp lags behind in providing latest data to the trainees. The brand can modernize its training methods to compete with the best training entities in the country. Due to this, the brand lacks credibility among its competitors in Australia. Background and relevant research BD Corp seeks to develop an effective strategic plan, to achieve business growth in Australia. Out of the 18 trainers recruited, 14 have left. For this, the brand needs to reduce employee attrition rate. The CEO of the brand has been conducting team meeting with its staff every three months. Additionally, annual performance review is done. However, these measures have not been enough, to increase the market share of the firm. As a training organization, it has failed to impart effective training to its employees. The strategic plan being prepared addresses all these issues and assists the firm to identify further opportunities for its growth. Stringent recruitment procedure-The brand can implement more stringent recruitment procedures, to select the most desirable candidate. This is essential in selecting candidates as a trainer, who would execute the most important role for BD Corp. Thus motivated and desirable candidates would be chosen who would serve the brand for a considerable period of time. Employee appraisal system BD Corp has to introduce an employee appraisal system, to deal with employee retention issues. The brand can appraise employees in periodic intervals of time, to provide encouragement and motivation to employees. Consolidating the financial position of the brand- BD Corp should immediately concentrate on improving the present financial position of the firm. The brand should look to acquire further investors, to assist its expansion strategies throughout the country. Human resource policies- The brand should look into creating effective human resource policies relating to employee remuneration, leaves and working hours. Since it is primarily training organization, it is imperative that its employees are comfortable working here (Dunford et al., 2013, p.83). Innovation and expansion- The brand should emphasize on innovation in its business pursuits in Australia. It can also look to expand its operations, to do business with a wider range of corporate clients. Creating other business segments- Currently, BD Corp is focused solely on providing training services to individuals, as well as organizations. The brand can diversify, and provide recruitment solutions to different business houses. This would assist the brand in surviving market competition in Australia, and achieve greater inflow of sales revenue. Strategy evaluation Strategy Priority Timeframe Parties Performance indicators Stringent recruitment procedure To create pool of desirable candidates working for BD Corp 6-8 months CEO and Human Resource department Efficient business functionalities Employee appraisal system To motivate and encourage employees for better work 6 months Human resource department Employee work productivity Consolidating the financial position of the brand Re-inforcing the financial stability of the business 18 months Finance Division Profitability Human resource policies- Resolving employee issues and their demands 8 months HR manager in consultation with the leadership group Employee attrition rate Innovation and expansion Recognizing further business opportunities for growth 12 months Operational department Number of clients Creating other business segments Diversifying service offerings to consumers 15 months Top management Sales revenue Table1: Change management strategies (Source: Pierce and Aguinis 2013, p.313) Required due Diligence Langley et al. (2013) mentioned that audit firms can be used to analyze the profitability of the change implementation policy. Expenditures relating to adopting of new human resource policies, training of employees and extra cost of advanced recruitment procedures would be evaluated. Situational Analysis Change Management attributes- The brand seeks to make certain changes in its human resource policies. To prevent talented trainers from leaving the organization, the company should offer monetary as well as non-monetary incentives on their performance (Lorenzi and Riley, 2013). Additionally, the brand can make necessary changes in its organization structure so that latest training and skills are imparted to candidates in diverse fields. B D Corp can also renovate its human resource policies, and provide a more flexible working environment to its employees. Talent retention remains the biggest concern in its change management policy. Besides this, the last few years BD Corp has failed to attain any major success in the Australian market. To explore further opportunities in training services, BD Corp can establish tie-ups with reputed corporate houses to provide training solutions (Pierce and Aguinis 2013, p.313). Organizational attributes- BD Corp is a training institute and offers customized training to corporate clients throughout Australia. The brand offers training in three distinct areas- customer service, management of time and execution of leadership strategies. The company identifies that its trainers are essential to its business growth. However, a large number of trainers left the company due to a number of reasons. Thus, these factors have hampered the brands business performance. The CEO handles all the recruitment procedure in BD Corp. He believes in sharing opinion with other employees, to run the organization. Quarterly meetings are conducted where issues relating to business performance, corporate clients, and evaluation of existing business operations. Team structure- BD Corp consists of a hierarchical structure, with all the power and authority resting with the top management. The top management has the required decision-making powers, while the middle level management takes necessary actions to convert these ideas into reality. The lower ranked employees take care of day-to-day business functionalities, and reports to the team manager in case of any discrepancy. The top management takes regular feedback from the employees, and structures its course of action accordingly. Sponsor coalition- According to Pollack et al. (2013) brand sponsors play an important part in the operational activities of a brand. Being a training brand, it would need additional finance from the sponsors to continue its business functionalities effectively. Strategy analysis Risk assessment- There is inherent risk in implementing change management policies in an organization (Georgalis et al. 2015, p.89). There are risks of operational costs being escalated, and daily business operations may be disrupted. Additionally, the profit margin may decrease in the initial period. Anticipated resistance There is always a possibility of resistance from within the organization, and outside. Internal resistance may arise from employees regarding the usefulness of such a change .External resistance include opposition from clients and investors. Special Tactics- Special Tactics include market competition analysis, training demands and effective pricing policies (Pierce and Aguinis 2013). These tactics would assist the brand to compete with the rival brands in the market. Cost-benefits analysis- Grant (2014) mentioned that Cost-benefit analysis would help BD Corp in analyzing the merits and demerits of adopting a change management plan. Thus, the brand would weigh the pros and cons before making a substantial amount of investment in an organizational change strategy. In this case, the cost benefit analysis has the following two purposes. Examining investment decision - Changing its recruitment policies would incur considerable financial expenditure. It can also affect the regular functioning of the business on a daily basis. Basis for comparison- Cost-benefit analysis provides the basis for comparison with similar investments made by other brands (Bamberry et al. 2015, p.1.). BD Corp can also compare the estimated costs made in the change management plan against the expected benefits that are to be gained from the firm. Change management project plan - The following is a diagrammatic representation of change management project plan that can be adopted by the management of BD Corp, in enhancing its business prospects in Australia. The above change management plan follows a systematic procedure starting from recognizing the reason for such an alteration in organizational policies. BD Corp needs to identify its weaknesses in its human resource policies, that is having a negative impact on the growth of the firm. The next step begins with making relevant change management strategy relating to training imparted to the client and its necessary execution. Remedial measures can also be taken, if results do not match with the expectations. Thus, it assists the brand to review its business policies, and make appropriate changes whenever necessary. Finally, change management plan is reviewed, to measure its impact on organizational business. Relevant communication/education pans- In the case of BD Corp, communication flow starts from the top management. While adopting change management policy, there should be clear flow of communication within the organization, to avoid any confusion. Relevant education programs can also be conducted, to make employees realize the necessity of alterations in the business policies. Detailed discussion on change management plan The below mentioned are the important steps while executing the change management strategy Identifying the necessity of change- This is the initial stage of change management plan . BD Corp must realize the necessity of implementing change management strategy in its business operations (Robbins et al. 2013). In this case, talent attrition has been a major obstacle in its growth. Trainers, who have been an important part of the organization, have been leaving after serving a short period of time. Thus, such factors have been hampering the business prospects of BD Corp in the end. Change implementation strategy- In this stage, the brand implements required change management strategies like alteration of recruitment strategies, innovation and expansion and upgradation of training techniques (Jabbour and Abdel-Kader 2015, p.295). Additionally, BD Corp would make required human resource policies to assist employees to adapt to newer change management policies. The brand needs to attain greater financial stability in the Australian market. As such, innovative training methods shall be used to serve its corporate clients in a better manner. Evaluation of change strategy- Here, the change strategy results are compared with the expected business performance estimated. Impact of change management plan can be measured against several parameters like sales revenue, brand image and number of training sessions per week (Dunford et al. 2013, p.83). Besides this, business sustainability and satisfaction are a strong indicator of effective change management policy. Stringent recruitment procedure- To ensure greater work productivity, the brand can develop a rigorous selection method to choose the best candidates available. Also, motivation levels and desire of a candidate should be judged accordingly. This will ensure the best people are selected who are capable enough to assist the brand in achieving its goals. These job responsibilities can be attributed to the CEO and the human resource department of the organization. The CEO takes an active part in the recruitment procedure. Therefore, he would be the best person to select appropriate applicants for the training position. Assisting the CEO would be the human resource department that shall implement detailed screening procedures, pertaining to the interview method. Innovation and expansion- The brand can concentrate on introducing innovation in its training methods. Usage of advanced technology can help BD Corp in providing superior service to its corporate clients. To capture a larger market share, the brand can promote aggressive expansion policy throughout the country. The top management of the brand would largely be accountable for the innovative and expansion initiatives were taken by the brand. These measures would assist the brand to develop a successful business brand in the country. Allocation of resources The human resources department can be helped with required mechanism related technology and logistics to conduct the interview process in an effective manner. As a CEO of BD Corp would take interest in the recruitment procedure, he should be provided with the candidate specifications related to the job role. Since, the operational department shall introduce innovative training schemes; they are assisted with necessary research papers in the field of training to corporate clients. Besides this, the top management should be provided with required financial support to transform their business ideas into realities. To develop other business segments, BD Corp can invest substantially in research and development initiatives. This would assist the brand to establish other ways of providing HR services to the clients. As, BD Corp follows a hierarchical structure, each essential change management activity should be reported to the top management. The top management decides on every course of action-identification of the need for change to the required change management plan implementation. The change management plan is primarily concerned with the retaining of key talent. As such, it is imperative for BD Corp to observe the performance of its trainers in regular intervals of time. These attributes should be reported to the management.Thus, required action would be taken in the case of any weaknesses in the execution of change management strategy. Meeting Plan Frequent meetings can be held to address the issues in the change management plan. It is expected that there would be some resistance to change management plans implemented in the organization (Jabbour and Abdel-Kader 2015). Employees may not feel comfortable with the change in job role, and may not be convinced about the usefulness of such a policy. Additionally, operational costs shall rise in adopting change management policies. Daily productivity might be hampered, due to undefined job roles assigned to workers. With the assistance of key personnels in the organization, the CEO needs to be proactive in solving these problems. The minutes of the meeting would be recorded, and would be reference point for BD Corp in case of any confusion. Required measures can be executed to reduce the number of trainers leaving the organization. During the change management process, it is imperative that each step is carefully planned to reduce unnecessary operational expense. Thus, frequent meeting should be conducted in such periods, to ensure change management policies are executed smoothly. Conclusion It can be stated that change management policies would assist the employee to recover from the present situation. However, it would face certain obstacles like resistance from within the organization and outside. Through change implementation plan, the brand would benefit in reducing shortage of talent in the organization, and achieve smoother business operations. Client satisfactions remains the sole motive of implementing change management plan, thereby, offering superior training services to clients. References Cameron, E. and Green, M., 2015.Making sense of change management: a complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers. Nahavandi, A., Denhardt, R.B., Denhardt, J.V. and Aristigueta, M.P., 2013.Organizational behavior. SAGE Publications. 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