Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Way Does Childhood History, Substance Abuse And...
IN WHAT WAY DOES CHILDHOOD HISTORY, SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND POVERTY AFFECT INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE? Intimate Partner Violence has affects individuals from all Backgrounds, Genders, and Socio economic statuses (Women Against Abuse, 2012). Therefore, Intimate Partner violence may and can overlaps with poverty, homelessness, and job instability that suggestively limits victim’s abilities to escape abuse (Women Against Abuse, 2012). There is lack of housing which has widely spread poverty and high rates of community violence (Women Against Abuse, 2012). This; of course, has resulted in impossible difficulties for adults seeking long-time and sustainable safe living situations. These individuals who have experience Intimate Partner Violence are likely to experience under or unemployment due to the cycle of power and control implicated in Intimate Partner Violence dynamics (Women Against Abuse, 2012). Unemployment rates climbed to their highest levels since the early 1980s, the averag e lengths of unemployment reached its highest level since the federal government began tracking these data in 1948 (Andrews Goodman, 2009). Intimate Partner Violence agencies began reporting increases in the number of calls they were receiving for help from battered women (e.g. Dethy Smith, 2009). The report show that among couples who report subjective feeling high levels of financial strain to IPV rate is 9.5% compared with 2.7% for couples who report subjective feeling low levels of financialShow MoreRelatedFamily Violence And Its Effects On The Victims Of Children2917 Words  | 12 PagesIntroduction Family violence may not be limited to one family member; therefore nurses who suspect child abuse should also suspect other forms of abuse. Other forms of abuse may include but are not limited to; physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. All three of these can victimize adults as well as children. Abuse is all about power in which the abuser intimidates the victim with controlling behaviors that often begin with either emotional or physical abuse. Women and children, unfortunatelyRead MoreUnit 10 Safeguarding5317 Words  | 22 Pagesillness, has temporarily affected their ability to protect their own interests. The nature of the harms involved can also range from violent physical and psychological abuse through varieties of personal, financial or institutional abuse. Anon, (2014). Task 1.1: Explain why particular individuals and groups may be vulnerable to abuse and or harm to self and others with reference to the case study. Vulnerable: People who are emotionally and physically weak are vulnerable people. e.g. Older peopleRead MoreHomelessness : The Problem Within The United States2805 Words  | 12 PagesHomelessness is an arising problem within the United States. Poverty and homelessness are inheritably linked. As children we were raised to believe that through hard work and determination that we could accomplish anything. We all had dreams of having nice cars, a nice home and lots of money, however this is impossible when a person is living pay check to pay check and close to being homeless. Knowing that we live in the â€Å"land of opportunity†brings many dreams to anyone’s mind, however, many familiesRead MoreHomelessness Is An Arising Problem Within The United States2816 Words  | 12 PagesHomelessness in America SOC331: Social Justice and Ethics Professor Ashraf Esmail Rebecca McRunnel March 8, 2015 Homelessness is an arising problem within the United States. Poverty and homelessness are inheritably linked. As children we were raised to believe that through hard work and determination that we could accomplish anything. We all had dreams of having nice cars, a nice home and lots of money, however this is impossible when a person is living pay check to pay check and closeRead MoreDomestic violence Essay examples7765 Words  | 32 Pagesï » ¿Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior which involves violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic context, such as in marriage or cohabitation. Intimate partner violence is domestic violence against a spouse or other intimate partner. Domestic violence can take place in heterosexual or same-sex relationships. Domestic violence can take a number of forms including physical, emotional, verbal, economic and sexual abuse, which can range from subtle, coercive forms to maritalRead MoreThe Importance Of Faculty And Non Tenure Track Faculty2368 Words  | 10 Pagesis different from an associate and assistant professor because they contribute to the school through several aspects. Those aspects are research, service; such as serving on committees etc., 50% teaching, and outreach and extension where they take what they know and apply it outside of the walls of the school. Also, a full-time professor is required to have at least 10 years of college teaching experience. In addition, a full-time professor has to require the same degree requirements as an associateRead MoreSubstance Abuse15082 Words  | 61 PagesWHAT IS MEANT BY DRUG DEPENDENCY? Drug dependence is a situation where an addict feels he/she must have drugs in order to live; this is the term to describe psychological dependence. Physical dependence occurs when the body metabolism adapts to the presence of the drugs, when the drug is removed strong withdrawal symptoms are produced. This withdrawal syndrome is experienced as sickness, stomach upset and muscular pain. Hallucinations and convulsions may also occur. EXPLAIN WHY ALCOHOL IS ARead MoreTheoretical Approaches to Domestic Violence7490 Words  | 30 PagesDOMESTIC VIOLENCE Classification of the literature about violence against women is difficult because violence against women cannot be understood in terms of a single factor. Most of the researchers focus on a few different reasons and not on a single one to explain why men use violence against women. Their arguments are sometimes so similar that even their approach is defined in different perspectives. For example, approaches by Gelles and Straus, who have many essays and research on violence againstRead MoreYoung People Essay14812 Words  | 60 Pagesinclusion and anti-discriminatory practice show how you include people and act fairly During and activity in the gym young people disagreed on the activity and it became a little heated. Therefore to solve this problem I asked the young people what they wanted to do. Not all young people asked for the same activity so I offered to split session in two and do one activity for half the session and another activity for the other half. This made sure that all young people felt included as I tookRead MoreControl Theory15246 Words  | 61 Pagesinfluence today is undiminished and likely will continue for years, if not decades, to come (see, e.g., Britt Gottfredson, 2003; Gottfredson, 2006; Kempf, 1993; Pratt Cullen, 2000). Beyond the sheer scholarly talent manifested in his writings, what accounts for Hirschi’s enduring influence on criminological theory? Three interrelated considerations appear to nourish the appeal of his thinking. First, Hirschi’s theories are stated parsimoniously. This means that his theory’s core propositions
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